If we look at what most people want to do when pushing stuff is that they want to let people know that a something has changed, and that if interested in changes, you need only LISTEN IN on an appropriate Changes Channel.

For SFW, that would be the Recent Changes Page

I think the SFW software already exists which allow pages which are of a different modification date to have their version information affect their site icon positioning in the icon line-up in Recent Changes for pages in the current neighborhood.

It seems that a modification of this apparatus which will trigger notification to you, regardless of whether or not you have Recent Changes up in your current page line-up, may be an almost trivial task in either the Server or Client processes.

Similar to a Select the Recent Changes Page with the Shift-key down, adding the Recent Changes and the notifying page at the right of your line-up.

It could be tested and implimented by one familiar with the scripts which do this stuff.